Browsing the "fish" Tag

Episode 141: Bolca Fish

July 15th, 2022 | by David Marshall

We paint a detailed picture of the palaeoecology of 50 million year old fish with Dr Valentina Rossi

Episode 100: Tiktaalik

May 24th, 2019 | by Vishruth Venkat

One of palaeontology‘s great themes of questioning is the rise of novelty: how new structures and functions arise in specific [&hellip

Episode 83: Gogo Fishes

December 1st, 2017 | by Guest Blogger

Professor John Long is an early vertebrate researcher at Flinders University, Australia. He is most famous for his work on [&hellip

SVPCA 2017

September 10th, 2017 | by David Marshall

The 65th Symposium on Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy (SVPCA), University of Birmingham. WEDNESDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER SESSION 3 Joseph Keating [&hellip

Episode 76: Hydrodynamics

May 15th, 2017 | by David Marshall

The shape of an animal is a reflection of the way it interacts with the physical world around it. By [&hellip

Episode 72: Las Hoyas

January 18th, 2017 | by David Marshall

Las Hoyas is a Early Cretaceous lagerstätte (site of special preservation) located close to the city of Cuenca, Spain. In [&hellip

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