Browsing the "Cenozoic" Category

The Cenozoic era, meaning “new life”, is a division of earth’s history spanning from around 66 million years ago to the present. It is subdivided into the Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary periods. The beginning of the Cenozoic is characterised by a phase of recovery following the end Cretaceous mass extinction, and during which mammals and birds began to diversify.


Episode 27: Mare aux Songes

Published on March 15th, 2014 | by David Marshall

One of the most iconic animals to ever have gone extinct is the dodo, Raphus cucullatus. Endemic to Mauritius, this flightless bird was last seen around 1662 and is thought to have been driven to extinction by [&hellip... Read More


Episode 26: The Tree of Mammals

Published on February 1st, 2014 | by Joe Keating

Mammals are an incredibly diverse and highly successful group of animals. They include some of the tallest, heaviest and fastest animals around today, as well as our own species. For over 100 years, biologists have attempted [&hellip... Read More


Episode 25: Marsupials of Riversleigh

Published on January 16th, 2014 | by Laura Soul

Continuing our look at Australia’s marsupials, we speak to Dr. Karen Black, also of the University of New South Wales. We discuss the Riversleigh fossil site, which fossils it contains, how they are preserved and what [&hellip... Read More


Episode 24: Marsupial evolution

Published on January 1st, 2014 | by Laura Soul

Marsupials are a group of mammals best known from Australia, but are also present in South America and up to the southern and eastern parts of the USA. Despite their current geographical distribution, metatherians (the group [&hellip... Read More


Episode 23: Mass extinctions

Published on December 1st, 2013 | by David Marshall

What are Mass extinctions, how are they quantified, what are the driving forces behind them, how bad were the ones in the past and will we have more in the future? To answer these questions we [&hellip... Read More


Episode 7: Colouration in fossils

Published on November 15th, 2012 | by David Marshall

Animals and plants use colour for a variety of reasons including absorbing solar radiation, camouflage and communication including sexual display. In living organisms, colour can be produced by many different methods. What is true of colouration [&hellip... Read More


Episode 3: Amber and parasitism

Published on September 15th, 2012 | by David Marshall

In our first episode on the early origins of life, we discussed how without symbiosis or mutualism (the co-operation of organisms) life as we know it would not have evolved past its most basic levels. Within [&hellip... Read More

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